Wrapping up a six day birding trip that started last Wednesday in Florida and then continued in Texas. Six new birds! One - Shiny Cowbird - which I re-found in Everglades National Park, was posted last Thursday on NARBA (North American Rare Bird Alert). And yesterday, after hiking three miles up the Chisos Mountains in Big Bend National Park, I finally (and I mean finally) found a singing Colima Warbler. This is the only place in the U.S. to find this bird. In the bins for four minutes, scavenging for food. Pretty darn special. I’ve waited years to find the right time to make this trip; it’s been 42 years since I last made a trip to Big Bend, with two high school friends in the summer after we graduated. Other photos: an incredible full double rainbow north of Marathon, Texas, which took place after driving through a thunderstorm I will never forget; another photo of Big Bend - April is a great time to visit, it’s greened up because it’s Spring (the rain the night before also helped). At Big Bend: roadrunners, a tarantula, a bear sighting at the beginning of my hike (oh, that’s just great, I laughed, and started to then seriously clap every couple of minutes on the ascent), a light-colored, greenish Mottled Rock Rattlesnake that I got within 4 feet as I was coming down the trail at a pretty quick clip and wondering ‘What is that rattling sound?’ - I’m not kidding! Full stop in my tracks. I have it on video slithering away! And last photo: at church on Sunday!