Lots of travel this past week, resulting in four new birds to my ABA life list. Last Wednesday, Nutting’s Flycatcher near Lake Havasu, Arizona (at this spot):
A break on Friday in Washington, D.C. for a meeting with the President:
Then off to Ocean City, Maryland to see Purple Sandpipers feeding along this shore:
Had to take a photo of what real lump crab cakes look like:
Then on Sunday off to a place in the middle of Indiana to see a Hooded Crane (very rare sighting in the U.S.) - see link: http://flic.kr/p/breSJr
And then yesterday morning in St. Louis, a rush to see Eurasian Tree Sparrow (making it ABA # 642) before scrambling to the airport to head out before the approaching snowstorm!
What I will do for a bird!