After writing a couple books about one’s life experiences, you arguably get some closure on a lot of things and arguably are less inclined to more actively post or riff on something you’ve recently seen or heard about. At least that’s been the case for me. I’m sort of more in the ‘been there, done that’ mode when it comes to posting, and am more inclined to use my time absorbing some of the incredible content out there, written by masterful wordsmiths.
Having said that, I do enjoy calling attention to people who have an extraordinary lens or crystal ball. The blogger Bob Lefsetz is someone who has that skill. While his main audience are people in the music business with a focus on the fast demise of the old business models of selling songs, his riffs extend well into other areas that I think are important:
–how Electronic Dance Music (EDM) is taking over, with the proliferation of mega-rich DJ’s (like Deadmau5, Tiesto and the 17-year-old Avicii), who remix, produce and perform for $100,000-250,000 a gig; it’s about inclusion, not access, for the audience;
–how software coders and app-writers are the new kings of the world; it’s amazing for me to see how so many jobs of the past, that had stature in the eyes of the community and came with really good salaries and benefits, are evaporating before our eyes;
–how in the next few years it’s all going to be about mobile apps;
–how Apple is just going to get bigger and bigger because they are connecting the dots, and the rest of the competition doesn’t have a clue;
–remember the term 'planned obsolescence’? The change that technology is bringing to our lives is hyper-accelerating (I’ve written about this as well); we are oh so close to the end of the album, the laptop, the desktop, the mega mall;
I have spoken often about how fast things are changing. But there is more happening here than I originally thought. From high above looking down at the playing field, we are more divisive and oppositional than we’ve ever been, with major groups at polar opposites. But all this change will also create greater distance between generations; we’ve always called it a generation 'gap’, that’s nothing new, but I think we’re about to enter a time when the space is wider than it’s ever been, and it’s not going to be easy to bridge.