Bats, Howler Monkeys, Bullet Ants & Toucans!

Day Two at the very cool and incredibly bio-diverse Tirimbina Preserve.  Highlights: hearing howler monkeys near the research station; White Tent Bats, hanging underneath the folded down leaf of a Heliconia plant:

It’s been a long time since I used a digital camera to ‘digiscope’ and take photos from a scope, but we tried it using my iPhone and was able to take a decent shot of a Red Poison Dart Frog:


Wonder how a Bullet Ant got it’s name (hint: if you get stung by one it feels like…):

And finally, of course, the birds! Toucans and hummingbirds everywhere!  Best hummer of the day was a Purple-crowned Fairy (photo taken from Google Images):