A Wedding, A Pour, & Warbler Waves

Congrats to Gray and Laura: lots of laughs at the rehearsal dinner, and genuine joy during the ceremony:



On a side note, Asheville is a great place; an oasis in the middle of it, if you know what I mean.

I mean, what’s not to like about Asheville?  Consider this.  For years, getting a drink at the club I belonged was always a treat when served by a bartender no longer working there.  What we called ‘Luther Pours’ were legendary, and were never matched anywhere on the planet!  No longer!  Here’s the Maker’s Mark 'neat’ at the bar that I was served at a decidedly different lodge-themed Holiday Inn:


I told you Asheville is really cool!  FYI, I never finished this.  

Back home, the past week has been great for birders; there have been some incredible warbler waves coming through.  In these trees, at one of the best places in Wisconsin to see Fall warblers, in Lake Park in Milwaukee, there were hundreds of warblers:  mostly Yellow-rumps, and Palms, but also another 8 species, including great looks of my favorite, a male Black-throated Blue.  Even today, close to 100 warblers in a couple of flocks around the house today (including what I’m quite sure was an Orange-crowned), and it’s October.  And the big raptor days are ahead of us.  Very cool.  It is beautiful in Wisconsin this time of year.



And finally, who is that guy who was the very first to have carrot cake at the wedding?  I’m never going to lose that weight from the Europe trip…
