I never intended to write a book that would take over twenty years to complete. Started in the late 1980’s, when I embarked on the casual task of compiling hand-written notes, article clippings and ‘epiphanies’ that I thought would be helpful for my kids to eventually read as they were preparing for their adult lives, it has become a far more more time-consuming and deeply personal project that has compelled me to seriously examine myself and my life experiences.
About ten years ago I began to realize that what I was pulling together might be of interest to a wider audience. And more recently, it became apparent that what I was writing was arguably better suited to be two separate books. The books have the same main title, What I Really Think. One book, with the sub-heading 'The Business Chapters’, is mostly, but not exclusively, related to my experiences in the world of business. The sister book, with the sub-heading 'The Deep End Chapters’, explores the other stuff!
With the help of some pros with the firm Archer Ellison who have now taken control and are now in the process of helping me with book cover design, layout, and all the preparatory work leading up to self-publishing in both hard copy and in e-book formats, I am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I’ll be honest, it’s hard for me to realize.
I have put the maintenance and updating of this website on hiatus for now several months. It is my intent now to start to pick up the pace.